Presentations and Conference Talks
You are welcome to access the contents of conference and
campus talks that I have authored. Many of these presentation slides are incomplete without the verbal presentation that accompanied them.

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Creative Commons License.
Impact of Web 2.0 Applications on Education. Celebration of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Akron, Ohio. April 3, 2007.
If Content is King, Where's the Castle?. Guest presentation, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont. February 23, 2007.
Interoperability and Integration: keys to the LMS future. NITLE LMS Workshop, Reed College, Portland, Oregon. October 21, 2006.
LAMP: Sakai's Shining Light. Appalachian College Association Summit, Abingdon, VA. October 6, 2006.
Managing the mountain: keys to digital asset management. with James Shulman (ARTstor), Greg Zick (DiMeMA) and Stacy Pennington (Rhodes College). Campus Technology Conference 2006, Boston. August 3, 2006.
The good, the bad or the ugly? Trends in Open Source. with Rob Abel (IMS Global Consortium) and John Bucher (Oberlin College). Campus Technology Conference 2006, Boston. August 1, 2006.
OLN Open Source Pilot Update, with an emphasis on OSP. TeachUOhio Online Seminar Series. June 20, 2006.
Digital asset management: all eggs in one basket, but whose basket?. with Marianne Colgrove, Nedda Ahmed and Christian Faur. 2006 CLAC Conference, Hamilton College, NY. June 15, 2006.
Sakai as a Service. Sakai Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada. June 2, 2006.
OLN Open Source Pilot Program. with Cable Green. Ohio Digital Commons for Education Conference, Columbus, OH. March 6, 2006
Classrooms: Focus on Technology. with Michael Lauber. PKAL Learning Spaces and Technology workshop, Rhodes College, Memphis TN. February 18, 2006
Detecting and Handling Plagiarism. Instructional Technology Seminars, Denison University. December 8, 2005
Solutions Showcase: DSpace. ASCTC/NITLE Digital Assets Management Symposium, Atlanta, ga. December 1-3, 2005
Buy, Build or Borrow? Planning for Support in the New Open Environment. with Randy J. Stiles. Seminars in Academic Computing, Snowmass, CO August 8, 2005.
Open Source Update: Sakai, OSPI, Chandler, DSpace. Annual GLITTER conference, March 22-25, 2005.
Pedagogical Uses of CONTENTdm in the Liberal Arts.. OCLC Web Speaker Series, March 10, 2005.
Beyond the Classroom: The Schultz Insectary in Action. with Tom D. Schtulz. Council of Library and Information Resources workshop, "Managing Digital Assets." Charleston, SC. February 17-19, 2005
Bringing open source to Ohio campuses OLN Learning Institute, January 18, 2005. Columbus, Ohio.
The Chandler Project; an open source partnership NITLE Fall Conference, November 8, 2004. Chicago, Illinois.
EDUCAUSE CIO Constituent Group Open Source Survey EDUCAUSE 2004, Denver, Colorado.
Creating a Searchable Media Archive for Modern Language and Culture: The REALIA Project with Jeff Overholtzer. EDUCAUSE 2004, Denver, Colorado.
Digital Asset Management and the Challenge of Collaboration Northern New York Library Network workshop, September 14, 2004, Canton, New York.
Open Source: High Risk or High Yield? Council of Independent Colleges, Teaching and Learning Mentors Institute, July 30, 2004, Columbus, Ohio.
Digital Asset Management: Grounds for Collaboration Northwest Academic Computing Consortium meeting, June 17, 2004, Portland, Oregon.
Gobs of Blobs! The broader definition of digital asset management Sustainable Strategies for Web Integration at Small Colleges, May 13, 2004, Pasadena, California.
Westwood in Small, Liberal Arts Colleges Common Solutions Group/Westwood Advisory Council meeting, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004
Open Source CMS Pilots EDUCAUSE Midwest Regional Conference, April 22, 2004
What can Learning Spaces do for you? Denison University Faculty Luncheon Series, December 2, 2003
Shared Resources: Video conferencing for less commonly taught languages EDUCAUSE 2003, Anaheim, California. November 5, 2003.
CourseWork: an OKI Pilot Project with Gareth Euridge, Anne Crowley-Hatton and Charles Reitsma, CLAC Annual Meeting. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. June 2003.
What is the web address of perdition? St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. May, 2003
Planning, Prototyping and Piloting: digital asset management in higher education Digital Asset Management in the Liberal Arts, Reed College, Portland, OR. March, 2003
Planning for Our Next CMS Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, February, 2003
Lowering the Threshold: Assigning Collaborative Web Projects EDUCAUSE 2002, Atlanta, Georgia. October, 2002
Time to Collaborate! Teaching with Technology in the Social Sciences, Grinnell College, June, 2002
Teaching Enhanced by Course Management Systems Focusing on Change; Language instruction in a digital world, Carleton College, April, 2002
Curricular Collaboration with Technology EDUCAUSE 2001 Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, October, 2001
Time and Technology: Is there room for innovation? CAAHE Annual Meeting keynote, Asheville, NC, June, 2001
Pedagogical Implications of Collaborative Course Web Projects Denison University Faculty Luncheon, September, 2000
People, Culture and Web Transformations Denison University Information Resources Advisory Board, November, 1999
Students' Perceptions of Technology in Learning Educause '99, Long Beach, California, October, 1999
Outsourcing the Campus Web CLAC Annual Meeting, June, 1999
Learning Partnerships in the Classroom
with David J. Marcey, Council of Independent Colleges, March, 1999
Web Information Systems
Kenyon College Senior Staff retreat, August, 1998
Exploring New Approaches for Learning through Partnerships
Denision University Faculty Conference, August, 1998
The Challenges of Service
Ameritech Faculty Development Workshop, Lake Forest College, June, 1998
Partnering to Lower the Bar
ASCUE '98 conference keynote, June,1998
The Web and the Liberal Arts
Colby-Sawyer College, May, 1998
Impact and Opportunities of Learning Technology
Roanoke College, May, 1998
Investing Precious Time in New Learning Technologies
American Association for History and Computing, April, 1998
Learning: Collaboration in Technology
Denison University, February, 1998
to the Student Liaison Program
Kenyon College, January, 1998
versus Addition, and the faculty investment in new learning technology DePauw University Winter Term Symposium, January, 1998
Intense and Informed: Collaboration Enhanced by Technology is Proximity
with Howard Sacks, CAUSE '97 Focus Session, December, 1997
A Learner's
Perspective of New Technology
Ameritech/Michigan Colleges Foundation, October, 1997
Connections with People and Information
Kenyon College orientation, August, 1997
Technologies in the Liberal Arts
Alma College Fall Conference, August, 1997
Publishing Institute
Kenyon College, August, 1997
Web Projects
Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges, June, 1997
Liberal Education
and the World Wide Web
Kenyon College Alumni Weekend, May, 1997
Kenyon College (guest lecture), April, 1997
Summer Institute
Kenyon College Summer Institute in Academic Information Resources,
August, 1996
and the Curriculum
Miami University, August, 1996
Mount Union College, June, 1996
Technology in the Marine Sciences
Southampton College, February, 1996
To Dance with
Cedar Crest College, January, 1996
Using Technology
to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Mount Vernon Nazarene College, August, 1995
who Teaches
Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges, June, 1995
Faculty Development:
The Case for Summer Institutes
American Association for Higher Education, NCHE, March, 1995
Undergraduate Education through IT
CAUSE '94 Pre-conference seminar, November, 1994
Computer Networks
Break Down Barriers
International Management Council, Mount Vernon, Ohio, November,
The Information
Superhighway - Possibilities and Challenges
28th Annual Business Forum, First-Knox National Bank, October, 1994
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