Welcome to my virtual space on the Web - thanks for
stopping by.
Why do I present this
personal website?
I suspect that ego is a
frequent motivator for personal web pages.....to show that we know
how to publish web pages, or to tell the world about ourselves
(even if the world is not listening). Who will take the time to
visit? Those who already know us well probably know most of what
we'd put in a web page anyway. Those who don't know us have no real
reason to visit in the first place, unless something we've put here
is of value to them. Perhaps then personal webs are for
acquaintances who will pick up something of use to them, or learn
more about us, or for those who need to know more about us, such as
co-workers, employers and potential employers.
This web is a snapshot of
my world which is as nonlinear and changing as the web, so the
medium works well for me. If it serves another purpose, excellent.
Let me know!
This web was developed by
me using Adobe Photoshop version 5.0 and WordPad almost
exclusively. I find that automated web authoring tools often create
low-value, excess HTML and JavaScript coding so I don't use them
often. In creating this web, I have used NetStudio 1.01 for the
"Family & Fun" opening graphic (along with Photoshop to place
the textual elements). I used Homesite 4.0 to design the tabled
pages, but in the end, I used WordPad to implement the HTML.
Finally, for the tables in the left margin buttons, I used the web
slicer in Metacreations Painter 5.5 Web Edition.
Copyright 1996-2018 Scott E. Siddall.
All rights reserved.
Last modified: September 23, 2018 |