Students will be expected to read primary and secondary literature and report their
reviews to the class in concise, in-class presentations both as individuals and as members
of small groups. Some readings will be assigned; most will be gathered by students who
will defend their selection of sources material when they summarize the content in class.
These activities will account for 20% of the final course grade.
Preparation for in-class discussions will be expected to take place using an e-mail discussion list exclusive to this class. Participation in these out-of-class discussions will be assessed as part of the final grade (10%).
One short paper will be assigned (2-3 pages) (20%).
The primary graded activity (50%) of this course will be a collaborative project to be published as a web site. Students will work in small groups to produce a highly integrated and interdisciplinary "white paper" with which outside readers may interact. The instructor's grade for each team's product will represent 85% of the grade for the collaborative project. Fifteen "points" will also be given to each student for allocation within their team. In this manner, the final grade for this element of the course will take into consideration both the product and process of collaborative work.
Attendance is required. One percentage point will be deducted for each scheduled class meeting that is missed.