* to demonstrate that you can think critically in your selection
and reading of resource materials
* to demonstrate that you can forge valuable relationships among
piece of information; that you can create new knowledge and
All semester: participate in course discussions -
in class and online
This "assignment" is
assumed throughout the course. So much of what we do in this course
benefits from your insights! We brainstorm a great deal, and the
primary "rule" of brainstorming is that nothing is deemed
incorrect, wrong, unworthy. Please: participate!
All semester: Discover-retrieve-evaluate NEW
sources of information
This "assignment" is
also assumed throughout the course. Improve your skills in
information literacy. Use the resources of Denison and Kenyon libraries. Learn
how to search the web effectively. If you find something of value,
bring it to class.
Public Presentation at the end of the semester
Each of the content
groups will present the salient features of their findings and
arguments in about five minutes. You can organize this in any
fashion you like, but as a minimum, all members of the group will
go to the front of the auditorium while one of you operates the
computer and one or more of you speak. The computer will display
the web site on a large screen. I'll expect you to spark some
discussion with the audience, even if it's just the class members.
Prepare for selection of project theme, DUE
Monday, September 13
You will finalize
your selection of a theme for the collaborative class project on
Sept. 13, and develop an initial storyboard for the web site. You
must be prepared to contribute to the decisions we will make; scan
the literature that you can access in time for use in the course.
Look for print and online resources related to your own interests.
Use the ENVS61 listserver for preliminary discussions.
Approximate class project timeline
- Final selection of web project's theme; preliminary team
assignments: September 13
- Final determination of project coverage; library research
continues: weeks of Sept. 13 and 20
- Discussion and review leading to definition of class position
on the issue: Sept. 20
- Individual and team content due: week of Sept. 27
- First draft of entire web is assembled: week of October 11
- Focus on links to each others' writing; edit the final product:
week of Oct. 18
- Announce web to relevant listservers; begin accepting feedback:
week of Nov. 8
- Discussion and response to any feedback: week of Nov.15
- Public presentation: week of December 6

Collaborative projects by
previous classes: 1995,
1996 and 1998