The following
accounts are listed in the order in which your pay will be
You have asked that your pay be distributed in the following steps: | |
1 | Deposit the first $250.00 to your First Fidelity, Savings account. |
2 | Deposit 40% of the remaining balance to your American Credit Union, Savings account. |
3 | Deposit the balance of the net pay to your First Fidelity, Checking account. |
For example, if you earned $1000.00 in net pay, your pay would be distributed as follows:
Bank Name | Account Type | Amount | Calculation Explanation |
First Fidelity | Savings | 250.00 | Deposit First $250.00 |
American Credit Union | Savings | 300.00 | Deposit 40% of Balance of $750.00 |
First Fidelity | Checking | 450.00 | Deposit Remaining Balance of $450.00 |
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