Current Hot Topics
Redesign of the web
- Overall framework of the campus web presence
- Internet: does it attract and retain visitors
- Intranet: is needed information there, easy to find
- Connections/integration with new administrative systems
- Home page issues:
- "Fresh" news on the homepage (see Denison's new page:
- "New this Week" link
Web server management issues
- Can we host related and unrelated domains?
- Outsourcing of "mission critical" pages
- Homepage, admissions, visitors' center, more?
Training, consulting, monitoring content and R&D
For example:
- who develops web replacements for other online tools such
- Problem reporting
- Workorder
- Online interlibrary loan forms
- Textbook orders
- AV requests
- Surveys
- who ensures that campus information providers run spell
checking on their pages
- how does an information provider learn how to make interactive
- who is watching "the big picture" for a well-coordinated
presentation to the public
- who stays abreast of new web technologies that we could use, or
that could affect our web presence
Content management
- campus standards for "look and feel" and appropriate
- who maintains quality of webbed information
- unchanging public pages = not competitive, poor marketing
- content management tools: support? standards?
Institutional policies
- process to develop and approve
- who enforces policies
- who monitors for technical, design or information errors
- who arbitrates access conflicts
- student computers as web, ftp servers (rights,
responsibilities, disclaimer)
- support and standards for departmental web servers
Many of these hot topics are related to resource
allocations and staffing issues.