Reviewed Publications
Siddall, S. E. (2004). "Piloting Open Source CMS - A Small Campus Experience. Syllabus CMS Review.
Siddall, S. E. (2001). "Curricular Collaboration with Technology." Proceedings of the 2001 EDUCAUSE conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. October, 2001.
Siddall, S. E. (1992). Incentives for Faculty Innovation. Proceedings of the ACM User Services Conference Vol. 20: 213-215.
Siddall, S. E. (1991). Aquaculture and coastal resources management. Advances in World Aquaculture 5: 90-108. Status and Potential of Aquaculture in the Caribbean. J A. Hargreaves and D. E. Alston, eds.
Cahalan, J., S. E. Siddall and M. W. Luckenbach (1989). Effects of flow velocity, food concentration and particle flux on growth rates of juvenile bay scallops, Argopecten irradians. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 129:45-60.
Malinowski, S., and S. E. Siddall (1989). Passive water re-use in a hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, upflow nursery system. Journal of Shellflsh Research 8(l):241-249.
Nelson, C. L. and S. E. Siddall (1988). The effect of an algal bloom isolate on the growth and survival of bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) larvae. Journal of Shellfish Research 7(4):683-695.
Siddall, S. E., (1988). Shellfish aquaculture as a cottage industry; a model for development in New York. Journal of Shellfish Research 7(2):295-303.
Siddall, S. E., (1986). Density-dependent levels of activity of juvenile queen conch. Journal of Shellfish Research 4(1):61-74.
Siddall, S. E., (1986). Synopsis of recent research on the queen conch. Journal of Shellflsh Research 4(l):1-3.
Siddall, S. E., V. M. Bricelj, E. J. Carpenter, A. Chiaraviglio and W. C. Dennison (1986). Impact of the 1985 phytoplankton bloom in Long Island's coastal bays. Coastal Pollution Assessment News, 3(4):49-52.
Siddall, S. E,, J. A. Atchue, Ill and R. L. Murray, Jr., (1985). Mariculture development in mangroves; a case study of the Philippines, Panama and Ecuador. USAID Renewable Resources Information Series; Coastal Resources Management: Development Case Studies 3:1-64.
Vanhaecke, P., S. E. Siddall and P. Sorgeloos, (1984). Combined effects of temperature and salinity on the survival of Artemia of various geographical origin. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 80:259-275.
Siddall, S. E., (1983). Biological and economic outlook for hatchery production of juvenile queen conch. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 35:46-52.
Lutz, R. A, and 13 other authors including S. E. Siddall (1982). Preliminary observations on the usefulness of hinge structures for identification of bivalve larvae. Journal of Shellfish Research 2(l):65-70.
Siddall, S. E., (1980). Development of shell structures in Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Bivalvia: Dreissenacea). Veliger 22(4):378-379 and plate.
Siddall, S. E., (1980). A clarification of the genus Perna (Mytilidae). Bulletin of Marine Science 30(4):858-870.
Siddall, S. E. (1979) Development of ossicles in juveniles of the sea star, Echinaster sentus. Bulletin of Marine Science 29(2):278-282.
Siddall, S. E., (1979) Temporal changes in the salinity and temperature requirements of tropical mussel larvae. Proceedings, World Mariculture Society 9:549-566.
Siddall, S. E., (1974). Studies of closed marine culture systems. Progressive Fish-Culturist 36(l):8-15.
Chapters and Technical Reports
Siddall, S. E. (1987). Climatology of Eastern Long Island related to the "brown tide" algal blooms of 1985 and 1986. MSRC Special Report Series 78:1-16.
Siddall, S. E., (1986). Criteria for selection of sites for hard clam farming on Long Island. IN Small-scale Farming of the Hard Clam on Long Island, New York, by Dr. Steve Malinowski. Pp. 56-60.
Siddall, S. E., M. Vieira, E. Gomez-Reyes and D. W. Pritchard, (1986). Numerical model of larval dispersion. MSRC Special Report Series 71:1-58.
Malinowski, S., S. E. Siddall, R. E. Malouf and N. Appelmans, (1985). Optimizing yields of small-scale hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria farms: water reuse in a passive upflow nursery. Final Project Report to the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 49 pp.
Siddall, S. E. and D. Davies, (1985). Private Mariculture. IN Suffolk County's Hard Clam Industry: An overview and an analysis of management alternatives. Chapter 21:1-21.
Book Reviews
"Managing by Values" written by Ken Blanchard and Michael O'Connor, for CAUSE/EFFECT volume 20(3) (1997).
"The Biology of the Crustacea Volume 10: Economic Aspects: Fisheries and Culture" edited by A. Provenzano, for Quarterly Review of Biology 62(3) (1987).
"Strombus gigas: Queen Conch Biology, Fisheries and Mariculture" edited by Richard S. Appeldoorn and Bladimir Rodriguez, for Quarterly Newsletter, National Shellfisheries Association (1995).
Invited conference presentations
The content of some of these presentations is available here.
Siddall, S. E. Impact of Web 2.0 Applications on Education. Celebration of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, April 3, 2007. University of Akron, Ohio.
Siddall, S. E. If Content is King, Where's the Castle? Guest presentation, February 23, 2007. Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont.
Siddall, S. E. Interoperability and Integration: keys to the LMS future. NITLE LMS Workshop, October 21, 2006. Reed College, Portland, Oregon.
Siddall, S. E. LAMP: Sakai's Shining Light. Appalachian College Association Summit, October 6, 2006. Abingdon, VA.
Siddall, S. E., James Shulman (ARTstor), Greg Zick (DiMeMa) and Stacy Pennington (Rhodes College). Managing the mountain: keys to digital asset management. Campus Technology Conference 2006, August 3, 2006. Boston, MA.
Siddall, S. E., Rob Abel (IMS Global Consortium) and John Bucher (Oberlin College). The good, the bad or the ugly? Trends in Open Source. Campus Technology Conference 2006, August 1, 2006. Boston, MA.
Siddall, S. E. OLN Open Source Pilot Update, with an emphasis on OSP. TeachUOhio Online Seminar Series (online). June 20, 2006.
Siddall, S. E., Marianne Colgrove, Nedda Ahmed and Christian Faur. Digital asset management: all eggs in one basket, but whose basket?. June 15, 2006. 2006 CLAC Conference, Hamilton College, NY.
Siddall, S. E. Sakai as a Service. Sakai Conference, June 2, 2006. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Siddall, S. E. OLN Open Source Pilot Program. with Cable Green. Ohio Digital Commons for Education Conference, March 6, 2006. Columbus, OH.
Siddall, S. E. Classrooms: Focus on Technology. with Michael Lauber. PKAL Learning Spaces and Technology workshop, February 18, 2006. Rhodes College, Memphis TN.
Siddall, S. E. Detecting and Handling Plagiarism. Instructional Technology Seminars, December 8, 2005. Denison University.
Siddall, S. E. Solutions Showcase: DSpace. ASCTC/NITLE Digital Assets Management Symposium, December 1-3, 2005. Atlanta, GA.
Siddall, S. E. Buy, Build or Borrow? Planning for Support in the New Open Environment. with Randy J. Stiles. Seminars in Academic Computing, August 8, 2005. Snowmass, CO
Siddall, S. E. Open Source Update: Sakai, OSPI, Chandler, DSpace. Annual GLITTER conference, March 22-25, 2005.
Siddall, S. E. Pedagogical Uses of CONTENTdm in the Liberal Arts. OCLC Web Speaker Series, March 10, 2005.
Siddall, S. E. and Tom Schultz. Beyond the Classroom: The Schultz Insectary in Action. Council of Library and Information Resources workshop, "Managing Digital Assets." February 17-19, 2005. Charleston, SC.
Siddall, S. E. Bringing open source to Ohio campuses. OLN Learning Institute, January 18, 2005. Columbus, Ohio.
Siddall, S. E. The Chandler Project; an open source partnership. NITLE Fall Conference, November 8, 2004. Chicago, Illinois.
Siddall, S. E. EDUCAUSE CIO Constituent Group Open Source Survey. EDUCAUSE 2004, Denver, Colorado.
Siddall, S. E. and Jeff Overholtzer. Creating a Searchable Media Archive for Modern Language and Culture: The REALIA Project. EDUCAUSE 2004, Denver, Colorado.
Siddall, S. E. Digital Asset Management and the Challenge of Collaboration. Northern New York Library Network workshop, September 14, 2004, Canton, New York.
Siddall, S. E. Open Source: High Risk or High Yield? Council of Independent Colleges, Teaching and Learning Mentors Institute, July 30, 2004, Columbus, Ohio.
Siddall, S. E. Digital Asset Management: Grounds for Collaboration. Northwest Academic Computing Consortium meeting, June 17, 2004, Portland, Oregon.
Siddall, S. E. Gobs of Blobs! The broader definition of digital asset management. Sustainable Strategies for Web Integration at Small Colleges, May 13, 2004, Pasadena, California.
Siddall, S. E. Westwood in Small, Liberal Arts Colleges. Common Solutions Group/Westwood Advisory Council meeting, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004
Siddall, S. E. Open Source CMS Pilots. EDUCAUSE Midwest Regional Conference, April 22, 2004
Siddall, S. E. What can Learning Spaces do for you? Denison University Faculty Luncheon Series, December 2, 2003
Siddall, S. E. Shared Resources: Video conferencing for less commonly taught languages. EDUCAUSE 2003, Anaheim, California. November 5, 2003.
Siddall, S. E., G. Euridge, A. Crowley-Hatton and C. Reitsma. CourseWork: an OKI Pilot Project. CLAC Annual Meeting. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. June 2003.
Siddall, S. E. What is the web address of perdition? St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. May, 2003
Siddall, S. E. Planning, Prototyping and Piloting: digital asset management in higher education. Digital Asset Management in the Liberal Arts, Reed College, Portland, OR. March, 2003
Siddall, S. E. Planning for Our Next CMS. Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, February, 2003
Siddall, S. E. Lowering the Threshold: Assigning Collaborative Web Projects. EDUCAUSE 2002, Atlanta, Georgia. October, 2002
Siddall, S. E. Time to Collaborate! Teaching with Technology in the Social Sciences, Grinnell College, June, 2002
Siddall, S. E. Teaching Enhanced by Course Management Systems. Focusing on Change; Language instruction in a digital world, Carleton College, April, 2002
Siddall, S. E. Curricular Collaboration with Technology. EDUCAUSE 2001 Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, October, 2001
Siddall, S. E. Time and Technology: Is there room for innovation? CAAHE Annual Meeting Keynote, Asheville, North Carolina. June 2001.
Siddall, S. E. Pedagogical Implications of Collaborative Course Web Projects. Denison University Faculty Luncheon, September, 2000.
Siddall, S. E. People, Culture and Web Transformations. Denison University Information Resources Advisory Board, November, 1999.
Siddall, S. E. Students' Perceptions of Technology in Learning. Educause '99, Long Beach, California, October, 1999.
Siddall, S. E. Outsourcing the Campus Web. CLAC Annual Meeting, June, 1999.
Siddall, S. E. Learning Partnerships in the Classroom. with David J. Marcey, Council of Independent Colleges, March, 1999.
Siddall, S. E. Exploring New Approaches for Learning through Partnerships. Denision University Faculty Conference, August, 1998.
Siddall, S. E. The Challenges of Service. Ameritech Faculty Development Workshop, Lake Forest College, June, 1998.
Siddall, S. E. Partnering to Lower the Bar. ASCUE '98 conference keynote, June 9,1998.
Siddall, S. E. The Web and the Liberal Arts. Colby-Sawyer College, May, 1998.
Siddall, S. E. Impact and Opportunities of Learning Technology. Roanoke College, May, 1998.
Siddall, S. E. Investing Precious Time in New Learning Technologies. American Association for History and Computing, April, 1998.
Siddall, S. E. Substitution versus Addition, and the faculty investment in new learning technology. DePauw University Winter Term Symposium, January 1998.
Siddall, S. E. Intimate, Intense and Informed; Collaboration Enhanced by Technology is Proximity Learning. CAUSE '97 Focus Session, December 1997.
Siddall, S. E. A Learner's Perspective of New Technology. Ameritech/Michigan Colleges Foundation, October, 1997.
Siddall, S. E. Information Technology in the Liberal Arts. Alma College Fall Conference, August 1997.
Siddall, S. E. Infrastructure in the Process of Developing a New Learning Community. ACRL/CNI Preconference, "Librarian Leaders in New Learning Communities" Americal Library Association Annual Meeting, July, 1996.
Siddall, S. E., G. Spencer and C. Singer. The Faculty Support Crisis. Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges Annual Meeting, The University of the South. June, 1996.
Siddall, S. E. To Dance with Change; New Technologies in Learning and Teaching. Miami University. June, 1996.
Siddall, S. E. and M. Fox. "Cybercy" and the Undergraduate Curriculum. Mount Union College, Alliance Ohio. May, 1996.
Siddall, S. E. Information Resources in Marine Sciences. Southampton College, Southampton, NY. February, 1996.
Siddall, S. E. Academic Computing: where should the focus be? Second Annual Midwest Small College Computing Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana. September, 1995.
Siddall, S. E. Redefining Who Teaches: New Roles for Students and Staff. Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges Annual Meeting, Oberlin College. June, 1995.
Siddall, S. E. and Vijay Kumar. Faculty Development: the case for summer institutes. National Conference on Higher Education, Washington, D. C. March, 1995.
Siddall, S. E. Improving Undergraduate Learning through Information Technology. Preconference seminar, CAUSE Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. November, 1994. [Published workbook]
Siddall, S. E. Potentials and Pitfalls of Training the Teacher. New England Regional Computing Conference, Sturbridge, Massachusetts. October, 1993.
Siddall, S. E. Shared Values for Librarians and Technologists in Library Automation Projects. Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges Annual Meeting, Smith College. June 1990.
Siddall, S. E. and S. Cenni. Spatial and temporal distribution of bivalve larvae in Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia. April, 1990. [Published abstract].
Cenni, S. R. Cerrato and S. E. Siddall. Periodicity of growth lines in larval and postlarval shells of Mercenaria mercenaria National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia. April, 1990. [Published abstract].
Appelmans, N., S. E. Siddall and S. M. Malinowski. Effects of seasonal variations of chlorophyll-a and temperature on hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) growth. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. June 1988. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. Update on New York's bay scallop fishery. Massachusetts Shellfish Officers' Association, Plymouth, Massachusetts. March, 1988.
Bowman, M. J. and S. E. Siddall. Digital Terrain Models: Amalgam of Landsat imagery and digitized topography. NEARSS meeting, SUNY at Stony Brook. February, 1988.
Siddall, S. E. and S. Malinowski. Marine aquaculture as a cottage industry: a pattern for development in New York. Coastal Resources Management and Shellfishing: A Global Perspective. Conference held at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York. August, 1987. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. Comparative study of oxygen uptake rates in individual larvae and postlarvae of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia, August, 1987. [Published abstract].
Nelson, C. L., and S. E. Siddall. The effect of an algal bloom isolate on the growth and survival of bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) larvae. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August, 1987. [Published abstract].
Cahalan, J., and S. E. Siddall. Effects of flow velocity, food concentration and particle flux on growth of juvenile bay scallops, Argopecten irradians. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia August, 1987. [Published abstract].
Sobel, J., S. E. Siddall and D. Phillip. Population genetic analysis of the queen conch, Strombus gigas, in Belize, Central America. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August, 1987. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. Computer models of larval dispersion. Long Island Fishermen's Forum, Riverhead, New York. February, 1987.
Siddall, S. E. Scallop transplant programs of 1986. Massachusetts Shellfish Officers Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts, December, 1986.
Siddall, S. E., R. Malouf, M. Vieira and E. Gomez-Reyes. Use of dispersion models for prediction of bivalve larval recruitment. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. June, 1986. [Published abstract].
Malinowski, S., and S. E. Siddall. Recirculation of seawater through upwelling silos in a hard clam nursery system. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. June, 1986. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. and C. L. Nelson. Failure of bay scallop larval recruitment during Long Island's "Brown Tide" of 1985. National Marine Fisheries Service Shellfish Biology Seminar. Milford, Connecticut. March, 1986.
Siddall, S. E. Nannoplankton bloom of 1985. Atlantic Fisheries Biologists Annual Meeting. Greenport, New York. October, 1985
Siddall, S. E. Eelgrass and the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Conference on Eelgrass. Woods Hole, Massachusetts. October, 1985.
Siddall, S. E. Case studies of the impact of mariculture development on mangroves. World Mariculture Society, Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida. January, 1985. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. Lecture series on "Resource management for the queen conch" and "Mariculture development in the tropics". University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. November, 1984.
Malouf, R. E. and S. E. Siddall. Status and potential of public and private hard clam culture in New York. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Norfolk, Virginia. June, 1984. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. Hatchery replenishment of subsistence-level queen conch fisheries of the Caribbean. World Mariculture Society, Annual Meeting. Washington, D. C. January, 1983.
Siddall, S. E. Outlook for hatchery production of queen conch. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Nassau, Bahamas. November, 1982.
Siddall, S. E. Dispersal and recruitment of tropical mussel larvae as affected by temperature and salinity. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Williamsburg, Virginia. June 1982. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. and R. L. Creswell. High-density hatchery production of juveniles of the queen conch, Strombus gigas Linne. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Williamsburg, Virginia. June, 1982. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. Shell development of larval and postlarval queen conch, Strombus gigas. American Malacological Union, Annual Meeting. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. July, 1981. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. "Larviculture" session at the Workshop on Queen Conch Fisheries and Mariculture. Sponsored by the Groves Aquaculture Foundation. Freeport, Bahamas. March, 1981.
Siddall, S. E. Characterization of the genus Perna (Mytilidae). American Malacological Union, Annual Meeting. Wilmington, North Carolina, July 1978. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. Effects of temperature and salinity on metamorphosis in two tropical mussels. National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. June, 1978. [Published abstract].
Siddall, S. E. The development of the hinge line in tropical mussel larvae of the genus Perna National Shellfisheries Association, Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. June, 1977. [Published abstract].
Popular Articles
Siddall, S. E. (1988). Evaluation of inorganic conditioning of biological filters using the Aqua Module. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 11(3)4-13, 110-112.
Siddall, S. E. (1986). The Living Seas at EPCOT Center. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 9(6):20-27, 90.
Siddall, S. E. (1982). The National Aquarium in Baltimore. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 5(6):37-41, 59.
Siddall, S. E. (1979). The culture of marine fish larvae. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 2(9/11): 12 pp.
Siddall, S. E. (1978). Some design ideas from the laboratory. Marine Aquarist 8(5):5-14, 55-57.
Siddall, S. E. (1977). The pentamerous phylum. Marine Aquarist 8(2):5-15, 8(3):48-55.
Siddall, S. E. (1973). Recent research in biological filtration. Marine Aquarist 4(l):6-13.