The Books in Print and the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalog CDROMs use the Bowker software. For more detailed searching, consult the database documentation at each station, press 1 ]HELP or contact the Library Information Desk.
Define your search by identifying the important words and related terms for each concept.
TI=CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES(Note that the word 'A' in the title has been omitted.)
KW=AESTHETIC? AND KW=ESSAY?(Keyword searching, which searches the entire record, often is more useful than subject searching.)
Truncate a root word or term with an asterisk or question mark to retrieve variants.
Examples:STAT$ will find state, states, but also retrieves statement, statutes, etc. WOM?N will find women or woman. Think about the possible occurrences before using truncation.
To narrow your search, you can search in the limit fields using the publication year, language, publisher or any of the other fields. Check the database documentation for specific fields.
LA=FRESee Section IV of the Books In Print User's Guide for language abbreviations.
Any number of previous search sets can be combined.
CS=1 AND CS=5 will find all records containing both terms.
CS=1 OR CS=5 will find all records containing one or both terms.
Records can be marked for displaying and printing.