Knapp Hall Project Budget
Item Estimated Cost Quoted/actual cost Balance
Donation $175,000.00 $175,000.00
Contingency of 5% $8,750.00 $8,750.00 $166,250.00
ILS furniture $19,987.00 $19,987.00 $146,263.00
ILS furniture shipping $1,603.00 $1,603.00 $144,660.00
ILS furniture installation $964.00 $964.00 $143,696.00
Chairs, 30 @ $125 $3,750.00 $3,750.00 $139,946.00
Remove old hung ceilings $208.00 $208.00 $139,738.00
New hung ceilings, paint $4,476.00 $4,476.00 $135,262.00
HVAC $36,157.00 $36,157.00 $99,105.00
Electrical work for AC $2,980.00 $2,980.00 $96,125.00
Carpeting in 106 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $95,025.00
Electrical, network, lights $11,380.00 $11,380.00 $83,645.00
Projector and screen, 105 $9,260.00 $9,260.00 $74,385.00
Projector and screen, 206 $9,150.00 $9,150.00 $65,235.00
Window blinds, both rooms $3,309.00 $3,309.00 $61,926.00
Telephones in 105, 206 $10/month/room?
Software for 105
SPSS, additional licensing (up to 250 installations) $3,469.00 $3,469.00 $58,457.00
Ethnograph (5 manuals) $2,714.00 $2,714.00 $55,743.00
Nvivo (only one manual) $5,947.00 $5,947.00 $49,796.00
Script writing application $1,487.00 $1,487.00 $48,309.00
Software for 206
Photoshop 10 license pack $1,482.00 $1,482.00 $46,827.00
After Effects (10) $2,130.00 $46,827.00
Final Cut Pro (7 of 10 bought) $2,793.00 $2,793.00 $44,034.00
Network Assistant (one only) $199.00 $199.00 $43,835.00
Media Cleaner, MPEG software (one each) $898.00 $43,835.00
Pro Tools LE (sound editing; 7 licenses) $3,423.00 $43,835.00
Dell computers, 23 for 105 $29,900.00 $29,900.00 $13,935.00
Color scanner for 105 (scsi w/card) $499.00 $499.00 $13,436.00
Networked laser printer $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $11,236.00
Seven Macintosh G4, with NTSC and flat screen monitors, firewire and cables, 128 Mb RAM, 20 Gb system drive, 37 Gb drive, warranty ($6500 ea) $45,500.00 $45,500.00 -$34,264.00
Color scanner for 206 $179.00 $179.00 -$34,443.00
Networked inkjet color printer $500.00 $500.00 -$34,943.00
Uninterruptible Power supplies (7 @ $100) $700.00 $700.00 -$35,643.00
DV cabling, misc. $676.00 $676.00 -$36,319.00
One Digital Camcorder, XL-1, complete $4,321.00 -$36,319.00
Headphones (22 @ $35) $770.00 $770.00 -$37,089.00
7 Headphone jacks (3 into 1) $140.00 $140.00 -$37,229.00
1 S-Video recorder/player $1,000.00 -$37,229.00
1 DAT recorder/player $1,500.00 -$37,229.00
1 DVD player $350.00 -$37,229.00
1 Cart $500.00 -$37,229.00
Second XL-1 camcorder $4,321.00 -$37,229.00
1 Shure SM631 microphones $165.00 -$37,229.00
1 Color video monitor for cart $700.00 -$37,229.00
Total estimated costs $231,537.00