Kenyon College

Comparative data with other institutions in the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges

This data should be interpreted with caution because of variances in the way colleges report the data. Not all budgets and organizational structures are comparable. Please visit the Consortium web site for a list of the colleges in the Consortium (CLAC).

Kenyon's annual investment in information technology is $1,334,619, slightly below the Consortium mean investment of $1,358,000. Kenyon's budgeted expenditures on information technology represents 2.93% of the College's educational and general budget (1996-97 budget year). This is slightly above the Consortium average of 2.76% of E & G. The range among the CLAC schools is 1.3% to 6.6%. Note that percentage of E & G is an incomplete measure of an institution's total investment in information resources. Expressed as dollars invested per student per year, Kenyon is at $814, above the Consortium mean of $763 (most current data is from 1994).

Personal ownership of computers by Kenyon students at 88-92% is among the top 10% of Consortium institutions (April, 1996 data).

Contact: Scott Siddall,
Edited: 01-27-97

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