The Information Resources Council is a campus wide policy and advisory committee for issues relating to information resources. It is charged with setting policies for information resources, advising in their management, and serving as a campus forum for all issues: computing, networks, intellectual property rights in the digital age, e-mail use and abuse, web services, etc. The Council will assess from time to time any new issues that may benefit from review.
The diversity of the Council is a major element of its design. There are five student members (elected by Student Council); five faculty members (three elected by general vote of the faculty and two appointed by the Curriculum Policy Committee); the Associate provost who chairs the Council; two additional representatives of the academic division; two representatives (elected by the Web information providers who manage official College information on the network); and four administrators representing the administrative divisions (Finance, Development, Student Affairs and Admissions).
Information and Computing Services (ICS) is the division of the College being advised by the Council and has no voting members. From time to time, various members of the ICS staff will attend Council meetings to present information or to participate in the discussions; however, two will attend regularly: the exective director and the information providers liaison.
To facilitate campus feedback, the Council has set up a public e-mail distribution list (@TO:IRC) to which questions and comments can be directed.