We've traced the history of our home back to an original land grant from James Madison in 1816 to one Aner Adee, a private in the Connecticut militia, who chose not to relocate to Ohio but to pass the 100 acres along to Charles McKee, one of the first white settlers in this area. McKee died in 1848 and is buried about four miles from the home. The main part of the house was built by Joseph Workman between 1831 and 1835. Joseph's daughter, Mary Jane, married one Squire J. Butler, and for him and his heirs, this home is known as the Butler Farm. The original 100 acres has been pared down to 12 now...open fields, hardwood forests, a pond...where we've observed 56 species of birds to date. Deer, racoon, rabbits, squirrels, muskrats, mink and wild turkeys are all around. Nearly all of our neighbors are Amish...the Keims, Millers, Yoders, Weavers.